2020年1月に香港で行われた「アートブックフェアBOOKED:」を皮切りとし、港千尋『香港2049 BE WATER !』岡田佑里奈『BLINDSPOT』小林健太『DAYDREAM』の3冊を第1弾として刊行。その後、横田大輔、川島崇志、多和田有希、水木塁、梅沢英樹、小林健太らが参加する「TOKYO/BROKEN MIRRORS」シリーズ、五木田智央の『OH! TENGOKU Remixed』、鈴木親の『新東京』、若木信吾の『HAMAMATSU edit』など、2022年夏現在で30冊以上の同シリーズ写真集・作品集を刊行しております。
G/P+abp has collaborated with Fujifilm Business Innovation since 2020 to launch NEOTOKYOZINE, a new platform project for art books and artists.
The rise of art book fairs around the world and the rise of zine culture are not only due to the growing interest in photo books and art, but also to the evolution of digital output machines that have made it possible to produce high-quality printing at a low cost.
G/P+abp, in cooperation with Fujifilm Business Innovation, has now incorporated a system that allows for the continuous production of only the required number of copies using the Iridesse front-line on-demand printer.
The NEOTOKYOZINE project is an attempt to make this new system available to photographers and artists.
As of summer 2022, we have published over 30 books of photographs and artwork in this series.
Please check our online store for the latest publications.