PRICE ¥100,000/€900 EDITION 10
1983年、埼玉県生まれ。日本写真芸術専門学校卒業。2013年、Unseen Photo Fair において「The Outset ⅠUnseen Exhibition Fund」初の受賞者となり、翌年2014年にFoam写真美術館にて個展を開催、作品が同美術館にコレクションされる。2015年、Photo LondonにてJohn Kobal Residency Awardを受賞、2016年にはPaul Haf Awardを受賞。主なグループ展に「In the Wake Japanese Photographers Respond to 3/11」(ボストン美術館)、「Another Language」アルル写真フェスティバル(フランス)、「trans-tokyo trans-photo」集美xアルル国際写真フェスティバル(ともに2015)など。
Born in 1983, Saitama, Japan. Graduate of Nippon Photography Institute. As the winner of the first Outset | Unseen Exhibition Fund at Unseen Photo Fair 2013, he presented a solo exhibition at Foam Photography Museum, Amsterdam, in 2014 with a series of his work that has been added to the museum collection. He was also awarded the John Kobal Residency Award in 2015 at Photo London and won the Paul Huf Award in 2016. In 2015, he performed at Shashin: Photography from Japan, New York, and participating in In the Wake Japanese Photographers Respond to 3/11, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Another Language, Rencontres d’Arles as well as trans-tokyo / trans-photo, Jinmei x Arles International Photo Festival.